Grant Forms

Attention Sparta Staff Members:

The SEF will award up to $50,000

Easy Process:

1. Fill out your grant application (please see google form below)

2. Applications are automatically submitted to your building administrator first, then on to the superintendent and then received by the SEF

3. Grants are reviewed by the Grants & Scholarships Committee - 4x annually!

4. Grants are awarded and money is available right away for your use!

5. Grantee must complete a Grant Accountability form along with submitting copies of paid receipts and photos or videos with a few sentences summarizing the grant and how it benefited students to

Grant Deadlines - Now there are 4!

➔ August 30, 2024 (Awarded on 9/18/24)
➔ October 31, 2024 (Awarded on 11/20/24)
➔ February 28, 2025 (Awarded on 3/19/25)
➔ April 30, 2025 (Awarded on 5/21/25)

Mini Grants are back this Fall!

➔ Increased to $50 per classroom (please note that this is per classroom only, if there is more than 1 staff member in a class we can only accept 1 submission per class)
 Use on those “extra out of pocket expenses” at the beginning of the school year
➔ Must turn in receipts by October 31, 2024 to
➔ More information will be shared at the SAS opener in August

DIG DEEPER - SEF Grant Process

Completed applications may be emailed directly to SEF at