Community Events & Information
Upcoming Community Events
The community events listed below were submitted by non-profit and local youth organizations to keep your family updated about opportunities in the community. Sparta Area Schools does not sponsor or endorse these activities. Please contact the specified organization for additional details.
Sparta PTC Mother/Son Pirates and PJs Event - March 29th
Sparta Cub Scouts Pack 3280 (all children K-5th are welcome!)
Sparta Community Events Schedule - Sparta Chamber of Commerce
Head Start - Programs offered at Sparta ECC!
906 Adventure Team - Grand Rapids Bike Club
Community Events Flyer Submission
- The district accepts submissions from non-profit and local youth organizations of non-curricular flyers that have a social, recreational, or educational value for students.
- Please submit your flyer for approval to
- All submissions are reviewed before being published and SAS reserves the right to reject unsuitable or inappropriate postings at our sole discretion