State Assessment Information
**The following is presented to provide information related to the current status and performance of state assessments administered to students in the State of Michigan.
Overview of State Assessments
Replacing MEAP with M-STEP
In 2014-15 the state adopted a new battery of assessments called the M-STEP (Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress) which replaced the MEAP test. The M-STEP assesses the new state standards in ELA (English Language Arts) and Mathematics, and the GLCEs/HSCEs (Grade Level/High School Content Expectations) in Science and Social Studies. The M-STEP is administered each spring to grades 3-8 and 11. The ELA and Math content areas are tested each year. Science is tested at grade 4, 7 and 11 and Social Studies is tested at grades 5, 8 and 11.
Michigan Merit Exam
The MME (Michigan Merit Exam) is a bettery of state assessmemnts administered to 11th grade students. In Michigan, students are required to take a career and workplace readiness exam, and a college entrance exam as part of the 11 MME. The ACT WorkKeys will continue to serve as the test for career and workplace readiness while the new SAT + Writing replaces the ACT as the state adopted college entrance exam for the 2015-16 school year. The MME battery of state administered assessments includes the SAT + Writing, ACT WorkKeys and M-STEP Science and Social Studies tests.
The PSAT is also made available by the MDE (Michigan Department of Education) to all schools at grades 9 and 10, and will be administered in Sparta Area Schools during the Spring MME testing window.
MI-ACCESS: Alternate Assessment
It is recognized that the M-STEP and MME are not appropriate assessments for specific groups of students with disabilities. While M-STEP and MME assessments offer support and accommodations to designated students, Michigan offers an alternative assessment system designed for a specific population of students with disabilities. The state developed MI-ACCESS, which provides three levels of tests designed to measure progress of students where and when the IEP Team determines the general state assessments are not appropriate: FI (Functional Independence), SI (Supported Independence) and P (Participation).
Students Learning the English Language
All K-12 students designated as ELLs (English Language Learners) are required to take the WIDA (World Class Instructions Design and Assessment). The W-APT (WIDA ACCESS Proficiency Test) is an English Language Proficiency Test screener administered to new students who may be designated as ELLs. The WIDA is administered each winter to measure the level and growth of the English language for each designated ELL in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
M-STEP Information and Resources: Understanding the Assessments & Reports
1. MDE State Assessment Overview
Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress What It Is, What It Means and What It Offers
2. Understanding and Reading M-STEP Reports
Performance Level Scaled Score
3. Claims, Targets and Standards
State Assessment Websites: Links to State Testing and Reporting WebsitesÂ
MI School Data: M-STEP data can be found under the Student Assessment tab located under the left navigation category titled Kindergarten - 12 at
The landscape for state testing, district and building accountability scorecards and accreditation continue to change in the State of Michigan. At this time there are several significant changes occurring with regard to state assessments. These changes can be confusing and difficult to understand for all stakeholders, yet we recognize, and value, our role in providing members of our educational community with appropriate and timely information. As we prepare for the 2015-16 State assessments, and as developments occur at Michigan Department of Education, our district will continue to share assessment and accountability information through building and district correspondence and, where appropriate, updates to this site.
Please feel free to contact the Administration Office, if you have any questions regarding state assessments and/or state accountability and accreditation.
Sparta Administration Office
Joel Stoner, Superintendent
465 S Union St.
Sparta, MI 49345
Phone: 616-887-8253
Fax: 616-887-9958