Director of Facilities
Thomas Glusa
Facility Use and Rental Requests
Kelly Houtman
Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
Annual Notices
24-25 Annual Notification of the Asbestos Survey
Our school district has conducted an extensive asbestos survey of all of our buildings. Based on the findings of this inspection, a comprehensive management plan was drafted. This plan details the response actions that the District will be taking regarding asbestos containing material found in our buildings. Even though the High School, Ridgeview, Administration and Transportation buildings do not contain asbestos materials, in compliance with the US Environmental Protection Agency Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHRTA) of 1990, we have an Asbestos Management Plan on file at the facilities office at 429 S. Union Street, Sparta. The management Plan is available for inspection at our offices without cost or restriction during normal business hours. Our goal is to make our schools a safe place in which students can learn. Our procedures for dealing with this problem reflect that concern. Please let us know if we can answer any questions.
Director of Facilities, Sparta Area Schools, 429 S. Union St., Sparta, MI 49345.
24-25 Public Notice - Asbestos Management Plan
The Sparta Area Schools District hereby provides notice to parents, guardians and the general public of the 2002 Asbestos Management Plan for the District. In accordance with EPA40 CFR Part 763 – Asbestos containing materials in buildings, please note: Inspections, periodic re-inspections and surveillance and related activities are ongoing within the school district buildings according to EPA 40 CFR Part 763, 1, 2, 3, and OSHA 29 CFR Parts 1910 and 1926. Building management plans are available for review.
Questions may be directed to the Facilities Supervisor, Sparta Area Schools, 429 Union St, Sparta, MI 49345. You may also contact the Director of Facilities by calling 616-887-8253 during normal business hours.
24-25 Pest Management Plan
Sparta Area Schools has adopted an Integrated Pest Management program. Inherent with this are the District’s efforts to reduce pesticide use as much as possible. While it may occasionally be necessary to apply a pesticide, this program does not rely on routine pesticide applications to resolve problems. We use various techniques such as habitat alteration, sanitation, mechanical means, exclusion, etc. to prevent pests from becoming a problem.As required by Michigan law, you will receive advanced notice of non-emergency application of a pesticide (insecticide, fungicide, or herbicide), other than bait or gel formulation, which is made to the school, school grounds, or buildings. This advance notice of a pesticide application will be given 48 hours before the application by the following two methods:
1) Posting at the primary entrances to your child’s school. The entrances that will be posted are the main entrance and those that have a sidewalk that leads directly to a parking lot.
2) Posting in the common area located by the main office of the school.
Please note that notification is not given for use of sanitizers, germicides, disinfectants or anti-microbial cleaners. In certain emergencies, such as an infestation of stinging insects, pesticides may be applied without prior notice to prevent injury to students, but you will be promptly notified following any such application, via the two posting methods identified (above).
You may review the school’s Integrated Pest Management program and records of any pesticide application upon request by contacting the Director of Facilities at 616-887-8253.
Parents or guardians of children attending the school are also entitled to receive the advance notice of a pesticide application, other than a bait or gel formulation, by first class United States mail postmarked at least 3 days before the application, if they so request. If you would like to be notified by mail please contact the Director of Facilities at thomas.glusa@spartaschools.org or 616-887-8253. Please give the Department person’s or secretary, your name, mailing address and what school(s) your child or children attend and they will put your name on the advance notification by US Mail list.
Facility Use & Rental
Facility Use & Rental Request