Facility Use and Rental

Sparta Area Schools has partnered with FMX for all facility use requests.  All facility use requests are completed online.

Create a FMX Account:

  1. Log in to create a new FMX account
  2. Complete the required fields and submit your information, including liability insurance.
  3. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to FMX.

Creating a Schedule Request:

  1. Log in to FMX.
  2. Click on the NEW REQUEST button at the top right of the page
  3. Complete all required information, ensuring you have indicated what doors are needed for your event and the times those doors should be opened.  Also be sure to include a day-of-event on-site contact person and their contact phone number.  Click submit.
  4. Once your request has been submitted, the District will review all requests on Wednesdays and a determination will be made.  If more information is needed regarding your request, the District will contact you via FMX.
  5. Upon review from Sparta Area Schools, you will receive another email either confirming and declining your request.

If you have questions, please contact Kelly Houtman via email kelly.houtman@spartaschools.org or via phone 616-887-8253.

Facility Use Policy

Sparta Area Schools, along with the Board of Education (BOE), reconigzes the use of the District's buildings and facilities are a valuable community resource. Our goal is to allow public use of the District's buildings that will not interfere with educational activities. Public access and use, as well as school procedures, regulations, rules and guidelines, are subject to all Board policies as outlined in SAS Board Policy 7510. The procedures and rates located on this webpage were developed under the guidance of the Michigan School Business Officials Guidance for Cost Recovery for Community Use of Schools.

Sparta Area Schools Facility Use Policy & Guidelines

When there are competing interests for the use of facilities, approval will be given according to the following priorities:

  1. Uses directly related to the schools and the operations of the schools.
  2. Uses for voter registration and elections.
  3. Meetings of employee associations.
  4. Uses and groups indirectly related to the schools.
  5. Departments or agencies of the municipal government.
  6. Other governmental agencies offering services for profit.
  7. Community organizations formed for charitable, civic, social or educational purposes.
  8. Commercial or profit-making organizations or individuals.
  9. Requests for funerals or memorial services - please contact the Superintendent's office (616-887-8253).

A schedule of fees for the use of District facilities is determined annually based upon the following factors: 

  1. The use of District facilities for activities sponsored by the Sparta Area Schools that are directly related to the educational program and District operations shall be without cost to the user.
  2. Any Sparta Community nonprofit group may have the rental fee waived except that the users shall be responsible for expenses outside of the rental fee (i.e. custodial services).
  3. All other organizations or person granted the use of facilities shall assume the following charges as indicated, payable in advance, and the cost of such additional staff services as required.

Facility Use Rates

HS Auditorium* Refer to Auditorium Guidelines for fees.
*Guidelines for use of the Sparta High School Auditorium must be followed.

Reservation Guidelines (Scheduling requests must be made 30 days in advance of event!):

  1. All Auditorium usage requests must be approved by the Auditorium Manager (Kadie Howe).
  2. The Auditorium Manager will determine applicable fees based on needs/requests.
  3. Requests must be submitted at least one month in advance of desired date(s).

Priority Listing:

  1. High School Fine Arts Events
  2. All other High School Academic Events
  3. Middle and Elementary Schools
  4. Athletics
  5. Clients who live or are based in the Sparta Area School District
  6. Clients who live or are based outside of the Sparta Area School District

Auditorium Rates as of 11/09/2023

Use of the SHS Performing Arts Center will be available to organizations provided all fees are paid, a contract is signed and the following guidelines are adhered to: 

  1. No food or drink is allowed within the auditorium.
  2. Facilities will not be rented for private parties, including receptions and family gatherings.
  3. All groups must have a designated, responsible and approved non-student adult in charge who will take the total responsibility of discipline, protection of school property, etc.
  4. There is no smoking on school property.
  5. Only the rooms or designated areas granted in the original request shall be used.
  6. Classroom materials and/or equipment are not to be used without prior specific permission, if available.
  7. All rooms and areas are to be left in an orderly condition after usage.
  8. All money transactions will be handled through the business office.
  9. The Applicant shall complete and sign the form, “Application/contract for Use of School Facility” prior to using said facility.
  10. All users shall be financially liable for damage(s) to the facilities/equipment and for proper and acceptable supervision.
  11. All activities on Monday through Thursday shall terminate by 12:00 midnight unless specifically exempted by the building principal.
  12. No liability of any kind or nature shall be borne by the district, any employee, officer, agent, board members individually or collectively, as a consequence of permitting access to this facility or facilities.
  13. No alcoholic beverages of any kind or nature shall be served, consumed or brought onto school property.
  14. No illegal (non-prescription) drugs shall be used, consumed or brought onto school property.
  15. Nothing shall be sold, displayed or given away without the express prior written permission of the building principal.
  16. All electrical and mechanical equipment shall be used and operated only by school personnel or competent designee as approved by the auditorium manager.  NO EXCEPTIONS!
  17. Disorderly conduct of any kind will be reported to the police and may result in the loss of the privilege to use the district facilities.
  18. The auditorium manager on duty normally will not open the building until the supervisor for the sponsoring group is on duty.
  19. Groups renting school facilities shall be required to furnish, in advance, a certificate of liability insurance coverage as stated herein, naming the Sparta Public School as an additional insured.  In addition, a “hold Harmless” clause absolving the district of any liability shall be signed by the appropriate office of the group/organization. General Liability - $1,000,000 per occurrence/day Note: The district may require up to
    $5,000,000 general liability insurance if deemed necessary.
  20. The use of the facilities shall be denied when such use would interfere with necessary repairs or general maintenance.
  21. The facility may be rented during the time the superintendent or his designee determines it is available.
  22. The superintendent may cancel any contract for misrepresentation and/or violation of policies or the contract. 
  23. All of these guidelines/regulations shall be incorporated by reference in the contract agreed to and signed by the
  24. The number of stage hands necessary will be determined by the auditorium manager.
  25. The auditorium manager or designee shall be on duty when the auditorium and adjacent areas are used.
  26. The use of open flames, such as candles, is prohibited.  Fire resistant materials shall be used whenever possible.  Nothing shall be done in or on any part of the facility, and nothing shall be brought or kept in the facility which will, in any way, increase conditions of any insurance policy upon the building or any part of the building, or, in any way increase the rate of fire or public liability insurance upon the building, or property kept therein, or, in any way conflict with fire department regulations, or with any rules, regulations or ordinances.  Further, without written consent of the superintendent, any individuals using the facility shall not operate any engine or motor or machinery or use oils, burning fluids, camphene, kerosene, naptha, or gasoline for either mechanical or other purposes.
  27. Set and scenery removal must occur no later than three days after the final performance, or sooner if required by the auditorium manager.
  28. School closing policies due to inclement weather shall not apply to usage by non-school groups.
  29. ABSOLUTELY no building or building materials on the stage.
  30. Loading and unloading of props and sets must come through the Science Tech/shop leading door only.
  31. All props must have a
    padded/protective layer on any surface that touches the stage floor.
  32. No nailing into the stage floor.
  33. Any group performing in the auditorium must first have a guided tour of the facility by the Auditorium Manager.
  34. When rehearsing, students must not be in the auditorium - they need to remain either on the stage or backstage.
  35. No street shoes are to be worn on the stage.  Please bring appropriate shoes, as discussed with the auditorium manager.
  36. No food or drink, including water, can be on the stage or backstage.
  37. No food or drink in the dressing rooms - water in designated bottles only.
  38. Please respect the property of the High School and if something is not yours, don’t touch it!
  39. If you have questions, please ask the Auditorium Manager.