Emergency Drill Reports

Michigan’s PA12 of 2014 requires that school districts are to report its annual emergency drill schedule no later than September 15th to the Kent County Sheriff’s Department Emergency Management Division, which is required to notify local police/fire agencies within the boundaries of the district.  Districts are required to document the completion of scheduled drills within 30 days and post notification of completed drills on the school’s website. The reports are to be maintained on the district site for three years. 

Prior to the start of the school year, Sparta Area Schools submits their annual schedule of safety drills to the Kent County Emergency Management Coordinator and the local Police and Fire agencies, as required.This has been common practice for many years.Documentation of Sparta Area School’s emergency drill reports are posted on a website specifically developed by Kent Intermediate School District for schools in Kent County.Administrative personnel in each building are designated to update the reports after completion of each emergency drill.

Click-on /open the hyperlink all schoolsto view a complete listing of emergency drills conducted at each building in Sparta Area Schools during the school year. Each building’s completed scheduled drills are represented on separate pages, and buildings are listed in alphabetical order within the report. Viewers must use the scroll bar to view individual building reports.

If you have any questions about the reports, please contact Brad Wood, brad.wood@spartaschools.org

Required Information for Annual School Emergency Drill Schedule Reports

(School Emergency Drill Reporting Citation: PA207, PA 337, PA 12 of 2014 and MCL 29.19)

  1. School
  2. School Year
  3. Type of Drill:  Fire (5), Tornado (2), Lockdown (3)
  4. Date and Time(s) of Drill (note WECC and BAC conduct multiple drills in one day)
  5. Acknowledgement ofPrincipal, Program Director orDesignee Conducting the Drill