Safety/Emergency Response Plans, Protocols and Procedures

Each day our school district is entrusted to provide a safe, caring and orderly learning environment for over 2,600 students.The welfare and safety of our students and staff is top priority in Sparta Area Schools.We recognize schools play a significant role in taking proactive measures to prevent school safety incidents, and/ or reducing the impact of emergencies within our educational community.Therefore, we believe it is valuable for all members of our school community to know that our school system has well-crafted emergency and safety management plans which are specifically designed to keep students and staff safe from threats and hazards.

Our district plans are based on current principles of emergency management for schools. Our emergency and safety response protocols and procedures are continually refined and updated in collaboration with local, state and federal school emergency management authorities.The responsibility for emergency and safety planning primarily comes from District Administration and the District Core Crisis Team under the direction and governance of State, Federal and County agencies, related laws, and the local Board of Education Policies and Administrative Guidelines.

Below are highlights of Sparta Area School’s Emergency and Safety Response Plans.

School Safety Response Guides:a flipbook located in every classroom that contains recommended safety protocols during school emergency situations in a school setting.

Classroom Safety Folders:a designated folder in every classroom that contains general and individual classroom information, and basic materials and resources used in school safety and emergency incidents.

Evacuation Maps: individualized evacuation maps which are located in every classroom.

School Safety / Welfare pages on the District website:

  1. Nurse’s Corner:contains guidance and useful information regarding individual health and wellness, state immunization requirements, and an overview of the district’s Reproductive Health program.
  2. District School Safety:contains information about our district’s emergency and safety management plans, and helpful safety and wellness resources for parents and families.
  3. Off-Site School Safety Portal: allows designated personnel off-site access to current student and school information/records.
  4. School Site Surveys:A series of documents on file with the Kent County Office of Emergency Management that provide local, county and state law and health official’s access to important contact and school site information for emergency management. 
  5. Cardiac Emergency Response Plan:written protocol s for cardiac emergencies located in the Nurse Offices and AED Cabinets in each building. 
  6. District-wide Professional Development:initial and/or annual school safety and emergency professional training for all SAS personnel.Examples include Bloodborne Pathogens, Bullying, Concussions, Confidentiality (HIPPA/FERPA), and MIOSHA Hazardous Material Management.