Welcome to Sparta Early Childhood Center

The Early Childhood Center (ECC) programming focuses on safety, care, development, and kindergarten readiness. The ECC houses several programs including Sparta Child Care, Sparta Tuition Preschool, Bright Beginnings, Head Start, and Great Start Readiness Program.

To enroll in Head Start, apply here.

To enroll in the 3 year old tuition preschool program, please email Megan at megan.beduhn@spartaschools.org for the enrollment link.

To enroll in the 4 year old preschool program, apply here.

Childcare Program

Sparta ECC offers childcare for before and after preschool programs in the building for children that attend 3 or 4 year old preschool. Hours of operation are 6:30-9:00 and 3:30-6:00 Monday- Thursday, and 6:30am-6:00pm on Friday. We are open year round including non-school days. Childcare offers enrichment activities, outdoor play, and a play-based learning environment.

Sparta Tuition 3’s Preschool

Sparta ECC uses Creative Curriculum. We focus on indicators in social-emotional development, Literacy, Gross and Fine Motor, Math, Creative Arts, Science and Technology and Social Studies through play and exploration. We offer full day and half day preschool for children who are 3 by December 1st and are toilet trained.

Great Start Readiness Program (4's Preschool)

Four year old students enrolling at Sparta ECC will be in our Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) classrooms. GSRP’s curriculum is Connect 4 Learning (C4L) and an assessment tool called COR. We prepare children for Kindergarten! Children’s progress is measured and reported in the areas of social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive development. Progress in content learning areas of literacy, math, science, social studies, art, and English speaking skills are also measured multiple times a year. GSRP is a full day program Monday-Thursday.  For more information, please call 616-447-2409.

Early Childhood Special Education

Sparta ECC offers preschool special education to children ages 3-5. ECSE provides quality specialized instruction specific to the developmental needs of young children in the areas of social/emotional, early language/literacy, and adaptive behavior in order to increase inclusion within their neighborhood schools and in the community. ECSE is a half day program Monday-Thursday. For more information call (616) 887-7359.

Head Start

Head Start for Kent County’s 3-year-old preschool uses Creative Curriculum to plan interesting project studies that last approximately 4-6 weeks. During these studies, children, teachers, and parents collaborate to explore information in ways to promote a love for learning about each other and the world. Sparta Head Start is a full-day program that operates Monday through Thursday. Children turning 3 on or before December 1st are encouraged to apply. For more information, please call 616-735-5327. 

Head Start also has Early Head Start that services children birth to three year old. For more information, please call 616-735-5327

Bright Beginnings

Bright Beginnings serves families in Kent County with children prenatal to kindergarten entry. They offer home visits and playgroups in the Sparta community.  For more information, please call 616-365-2276.

Sparta Early Childhood Center - ECC

480 S State St
Sparta, MI 49345
Main Office: 616-887-0068
Fax: 616-887-2231

Office Hours Sept-May: 
8:00 am-4:30 pm Mon-Thurs
8:00am-2:00pm Friday 

Closed in July
No Friday Hours June/Aug

Steve Johnson
Director of Early Childhood Center and Academic Services
616-887-0068 x6203

Megan Beduhn, ECC Secretary
616-887-0068 x6201