Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP)
GSRP is a state-funded free preschool program for qualifying children that are 4 years old by September 1. Children turning four between September 2nd and December 1st should complete this application, however, children with these birthdays will be placed after children turning four on or before September 1st.
Our Vision:
Kent ISD GSRP children will see themselves and be seen by others as confident, capable, and motivated learners; as evidenced by meeting or exceeding kindergarten readiness standards.
Kindergarten Preparation:
Our teachers utilize a research-based curriculum that aligns with Michigan's Early Childhood Standards for Quality for Prekindergarten (ECSQ-PK).
Our classrooms have consistent daily routines that include group activities as well as daily free choice time and outdoor play.
There are two teachers per classroom, keeping a 1:10 ratio of adults to children.
GSRP Teachers are highly-qualified and have degrees within the field of early childhood education.
Children's progress is measured and reported in the areas of social-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive development. Progress in content learning areas of literacy, math, science, social studies, art, and English speaking skills are also measured and reported.
We partner with families to create the best preschool experience possible for children.
Kent ISD GSRP students attend school Monday through Thursday for a full day.
Free meals are provided daily for students.
Transportation provided for students living in Sparta School District.
If you have questions on the application, GSRP Intake Staff can be reached at 616-447-2409
GSRP Hours:
8:50 am-3:30 pm