Annual Education Reports


The following pages represent the Federal required components of the Annual Education Report for Sparta Area Schools.  This report is taken directly from information collected and prepared by the Michigan Department of Education.  These specific reports along with similar reports for all Michigan public schools can be accessed at MI School Data

District 2023-2024 Annual Education Report (AER) Cover Letter
High School 2023-2024 AER
Middle School 2023-2024 AER
Appleview Elementary 2023-2024 AER
Ridgeview Elementary 2023-2024 AER

This is the home page which outlines the Annual Education Report sections, legislative requirements and frequently asked questions for your information.  An attachment below offers AER information and links for your convenience.

The reports within this document are specific to Sparta Area Schools and are taken directly from the combined report on the AER website to include:  Student Assessment, AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) and Teacher Quality.  

This report presents assessment information for English language arts and mathematics for grade 3 to 8 and 11 compared to targets for all students as well as subgroups of students.  The report helps users understand achievement progress within grade and schools. and to make comparisons to district, state and national achievement benchmarks.

The Michigan School Grades System assigns each public school in Michigan letter grades and ranking labels, based on the school's annual performance in up to eight areas as prescribed by Michigan Public Act 601 of 2018. This site contains the links to resources for Michigan School Grades reports. 

More information about attendance rates, assessment scores, student-to-staff ratios, and more is available at:

This report identifies teachers and where appropriate, paraprofessionals qualifications in relation to requirements.  Here you can find how many teacher/paraprofessionals in a school, district or across the state possess specific qualifications.  Parents can contact the administrative office should they desire to review the credentials of a teacher.